Tag Archives: made up words

Day 33 – “How Do Words Get Their Names?


“How Do Words Get Their Names?” by Jaymie Gerard


How do words get their names?

Like cup and chair and slide

Did somebody just make them up?

Who gets to decide?


Are they voted on in Congress?

Are they picked out of a hat?

Is naming things somebody’s job?

I bet I could do that…


I’d start each morning with a sneep

And end it with a plip

But Saturdays I’d krin kran krun

And also fleegle fwip


I’d pass by neighbors on the streets

And say, “Good floffle, friend”

And when I pass them later on

I’d tell them, “Drik drak drend


If I was feeling hungry

A plate of schnicky would be nice

Of course, if I was thirsty

I’d get balla-goo, on ice


I’d always ask my wudclog

If I was thribblegob to play

And if she told me no

Then I’d be hob-bob for the day


When it’s my turn to take

My neepneep for his walk outside

I’d listen to him opp at other

Neepneeps that walk by…


You see, the words that I’d make up

Would have much better names

Plus, one thing you can count on is

They’d be more fun to say!




Day 8 – “Winter vs. Summer”


“Winter vs. Summer” by Jaymie Gerard


When the frigid winter

Makes me chilly, makes me shake

I try to picture for Summer

So the cold I can forsake


And when the boiling Summer

Makes me sticky, and so sweaty

I always wish for Winter

So the heat I can forgetty