Day 1 – “Peanut Butter”


Peanut Butter by Jaymie Gerard


Just the other morning,

My mother asked me, “Dear,

What would you like to eat for lunch?”

And I smiled ear to ear.

For when she asks me what I want

To eat, I always say

The same delicious, nutty thing,

The same delicious way –


“Mother, I’d like peanut butter

With a drop of jam.

Or maybe on an apple, sliced,

Or diced up with some ham.

I’ll take it smeared on crackers

Or mixed in with some cheese,

Or baked warm in the oven

Or frozen in the freeze’

On sandwiches, in root beer floats,

On pizza! On the floor!

Or smooshed between my fingers!

Or painted on the door!

Please, put some in the blender

And make it smooth as silk.


I don’t care how you serve it, Mom –

Just don’t forget the milk!”

6 responses »

  1. Hey Jamie – what a great idea!
    In the midst of the horror that hit our little country it was fun to read “something completely different”.

    There are really only two subjects for your little child (all else are sub-subjects):

    Love and Tolerance


  2. Yes, yes, yes!
    Please continue this wonderful initiative!!!
    Let me share some of it with the kids in Zimbabwe, while I’m there next week.
    Please let me know if you’ve made a poem with these orphaned children in mind.


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